Presentations by 2001 -> 2002 ICC Classes

ICC class period 3 Thursday

Topic: Shushi

*The origin of sushi*

The origin of sushi dates from B.C.4 in Southeast Asia. Sushi was called Narezushi. This is the way of preservation of fish. They pickled salted fish in rice. And after some days or some month, they picked up and ate fish. The rice was thrown away.

*The Japanese sushi*

Then, sushi was brought to China, and in the 8th century brought to Japan. Japanese are the people who like rice, so they ate fish with rice. The role of sushi changed the way of preservation of fish to dish.

*The appearance of Nigiri-zushi*

Nigiri-zushi was started in the Edo period in the 18th century. Till then, oshi-zushi, the sushi of kansai style, was the mainstream. In those days, the sushi looked like rice ball as to size. So, it was different from sushi of today. After appearance of Edomae-zushi, the sushi of today’s style spread throughout Japan.

Reference; <>

Writen by Noriko

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Last updated 6-Dec-2001