Presentations by 2001 -> 2002 ICC Classes

ICC class period 4 Thursday

Topic: Japanese Animae (Cartoons)


Doraemon is very famous comics in Japan. Young and old know Doraemon. First I'll introduce the history of Doraemon. Doraemon was serialized in the magazines for children in 1970. For example, "Yoiko", "Youchien", "Shogaku Ichinensei" ÅP"Shogaku Yonensei" ("Good Children", "Kindergarten", "The first grade in the elementary school"ÅP"The forth grade in the elementary school"). And it was formed into television animation by Nippon Television Network for the first time in April, 1973. But the voice actor different from now was taking charge of it. Because it was not very popular, the television broadcasting finished in September of the same year. Then 6 years after, it was formed into television animation again in TV Asahi in April, 1979. And it became very popular. As the TV animation became popular, the original comics also became so.

Second, I'll tell you about the story composition of Doraemon. It is form of introducing a different tool each time. The tools are very useful. The variety of them are more than 1000. The most famous tool is "Takekoputa". People can fly by attaching itÅithe small propellerÅj to the head. Though it is weak in a strong wind, it can use underwater. The second most famous one is "Time Machine". If you ride the machine, you can go to the past and the future freely. And the third most famous one is "Dokodemo Door". If you open the door, you can go anywhere you like. Thus, Doraemon is an animation with a dream.


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Last updated 6-Dec-2001