Presentations by 2001 -> 2002 ICC Classes

ICC class period 3 Thursday

Topic: Shushi

*How to make "SUSHI"*

When you make sushi, first you need the tools like Handai, Shamoji, Uchiwa, and Makisu, etc. Handai is a large wooden tab. Syamoji is a wooden spatula. These are used to mix the cooked rice and the vinegar. Uchiwa is used to cool the rice and to evaporate the excess steam and vinegar. And Makisu is a bamboo mat to roll the sushi in.
Next, what you need to do is to make "Sushi meshi"and "Neta." "Sushi meshi" means the vinegar rice. That is also called "Shari." To make delicious Shari, you have some points. And "Neta" is the toppings (e.g., sliced raw fish, boiled shrimp, sliced egg omelet, etc.)

1: You must not air rice after washing. It becomes the cause by which rice breaks.
2: The rice cooked little firmly. In the case of new rice, especially water should make same amount of rice.
3: You need to loosen a lump of rice enough. Delicious rice is not made while rice has been a lump.
4: When you mix the rice and vinegar, it is important to mix it as cut. You never mix it as knead.
5: The surface of Shari is quickly cooled using Uchiwa.
For the taste of sushi, Shari is most conclusive factor to success.

Today I want to talk about "Maki-zushi."
First, you set down the Makisu. And next, on top of the Makisu, place a sheet of Nori toward you. Put some Shari on top of Nori.
Spread the Shari from left to right. Leave about an inch of space on the bottom and the top of Nori without any Shari.
Place a long, thin strip of Neta on top of the Shari. Spread some Wasabi as well.
Slowly lift the Makisu in order to roll it while keeping Nori steady. Roll it up forward.
Place both index fingers on the sides of Makisu and shape the maki-zushi into a square. Completion!!!
Let‘s make "Maki-zushi"!!!

Written by Mayumi

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Last updated 6-Dec-2001